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United Nations Military & Police Advisory Committee (MPAC) during a visit to the RSCE

United Nations Military & Police Advisory Committee (MPAC) during a visit to the RSCE



United Nations Military Staff Committee during a visit to the RSCE

United Nations Military Staff Committee during a visit to the RSCE

Improving peace operations capacity was identified as one of the critical areas where the UN and Member States must act. This was highlighted in the Dos Santos Cruz report, "Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers"; Security Council Resolution 2436 (2018); the "Action for Peacekeeping" initiative; and in the Secretary-General’s address to the President of the Security Council (S/2017/1079): "More complex and sometimes dangerous operations require strengthened communications, situational awareness, interoperability between units and force protection. Yet, specialized and high-performing capabilities for United Nations peacekeeping are in short supply". Building on this, Resolution 2719 (2023) further supports capacity development by potentially funding African-led peace missions, thereby enhancing the operational readiness and effectiveness of these operations.

It is with the support of our partners that provide training expertise, mentoring, trainers, equipment, extra-budgetary funding, and other resources that the UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations (UNCAP) continues to make strides in building high-performance capacity on the ground in the specialized area of C4ISR and camp security technology.

UNCAP represents a strong commitment by Troop Contributing Countries and Police Contributing Countries (TCCs/PCCs) as well as supporting Member States and the UN Secretariat. Together, they form a “triangular partnership” whereby all stakeholders equally share in the responsibility to deliver on programme goals and objectives. This concept is a direct outcome of the 2014 UN Peacekeeping Summit. It also aligns with the recommendations of the High-Level Independent Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (HIPPO) of 2015 as an innovative approach to mobilize well-prepared and equipped unformed capabilities.


Opportunities to Support UN Peacekeeping

The UN does not operate alone in any environment and its success is often determined by the generosity of its supporters and its ability to make the most out of their contributions.

UNCAP provides many opportunities to support its work and programme objectives:

  • Classroom-based courses at the Academy hub in Entebbe, Uganda, close to the epicentre of peacekeeping;
  • Mobile training teams deployed In-Missions or at the TCC/PCC level;
  • E-learning through self-paced courses;
  • Virtual Instructor-Led Technology (VILT) through real-time, instructor-led remote learning.


UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations Partners

Canada Denmark France Germany India Japan Uganda NATO
Communications & Information Academy



North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | August 2024
"NATO-UN Defence Capacity Building has been an inherently positive partnership experience. It has shown that organizations can partner with NATO without fear of imposition and with mutual benefit. NATO is immensely proud of the collaboration between NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) and the UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations (UNCAP). NCIA and UNCAP delivered the Virtual Instructor-led Training Capability, a flagship capability empowering the UN to deliver training to peacekeepers. The UNCAP hub in UN Regional Service Centre-Entebbe is a dynamic training entity and NATO looks forward to supporting its evolution."
Government of CANADA | April 2021
"Canada is a proud donor of the UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations (UNCAP) and appreciates its contribution to reducing critical training gaps, building partnerships, protecting peacekeepers, and supporting the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations by providing courses for female peacekeepers. Today’s peacekeeping missions operate in increasingly complex environments that require peacekeepers to have better situational awareness in order to carry out their mandates and protect themselves. Technology can serve to increase a mission’s command, control and situational awareness capabilities, and Canada welcomes UNCAP’s ability to provide this type of specialized training to peacekeepers, to better prepare them for the environments they face. Canada is also proud to support UNCAP’s commitment to working towards offering their full suite of courses in both English and French."
Government of DENMARK | October 2020
"Deployed in remote and high-risk locations, UN peacekeeping operations require specialized and high-performing signals and ICT capabilities as the backbone of command, control and situational awareness. In this regard, Denmark is a committed donor and commends the tremendous work of UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations and the standardized and gender-inclusive training. The curricula addresses the gaps in peacekeeper signals, information, and communications technology (ICT) capabilities; and contributes to the A4P gender objective through dedicated training of uniformed female Signals and ICT officers."
Government of JAPAN | October 2020
"Japan appreciates the critical contribution of the UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations to enhance C4ISR capabilities of peacekeeping missions, which are essential for better performance and safety and security of peacekeepers. The Academy has also served as an important vehicle to promote full and meaningful participation of Women in Peacekeeping through its Women’s Outreach Courses. UN C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations illustrates the effectiveness of the Triangular Partnership model in the area of training and capacity building, and Japan wishes the further expansion of this successful partnership."

If you would like to partner with us or receive information about the programme, please contact the
United Nations C4ISR Academy for Peace Operations Programme Management at UNC4ISRAcademy@un.org.