The Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping (PTP) initiative of the United Nations (UN) Department of Operational Support (DOS) and the Office of Information & Communications Technology (OICT) is announcing the 2nd PTP Webinar.
The Webinar is an opportunity for representatives of the UN and the Member States to be updated on progress of programmes and projects started through the PTP initiative, as well as other relevant information about the ongoing peace operations, including threats and challenges faced by the peacekeepers, and areas where technology could make a difference.
The Webinar is open to all interested military, police and civilians from United Nations, Member States and other UN partner entities. Attendees will be addressed by several senior speakers representing both the UN and the Member States and will be able to interact with speakers and moderators through chat.
The event will be fully online via WEBEX and is free of charge. The Webinar will be fully conducted in English language and is not open to the public.
Event Details:
- Date: Tuesday, 30 November, 2021
- Time: 08:00 - 10:00 AM Eastern Time Zone
- Location: WEBEX (Online)
- Registration Deadline: Monday, 29 November, 2021
(Invitation to register communicated directly to eligible participants)
Agenda: To be confirmed and communicated promptly
Moderator | Mr. Aaron David Programme Associate, Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Initiative, Operations Support Division (OSD), UN Secretariat, OICT, New York, USA |
Opening Remarks / Digital Strategy | Mr. Bernardo Mariano Jr. Assistant Secretary-General / Chief Information & Technology Officer (CITO), UN Secretariat, OICT, New York, USA |
UNSC Open Debate / PTP Impulse Initiative | Mr. Anthony O’Mullane Director, Operations Support Division (OSD), UN Secretariat, OICT, New York, USA |
Peacekeeping Operations – Threats & Challenges / Mitigation Through Techhnology | Maj. Gen. Maureen O'Brien Deputy Military Advisor, Office of Military Affairs (OMA), UN Secretariat, DPO, New York, USA |
Member State’s Perspective / Support to Peacekeeping Operations Micro-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Training | Permanent Mission of Uganda to the UN Maj. Gen. Silver Kayemba Military Adviser, New York, USA |
Permanent Mission of France to the UN Brig. Gen. Roland Margueritte Head of Military and Defense Mission, New York, USA |
Member State's Perspective | Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the UN / SatCom Contribution to MINUSMA Lt. Col. Claude Schaus Senior Military Advisor, New York, USA |
Peacekeeping Mission's Perspective | United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) Mr. Robert Kirkwood Chief of Mission Support |
UN Global Service Center Technology Support to Peacekeeping Operations | Mr. Michel Bergeron Chief, Service for Geospatial, Information and Telecommunications Technologies (SGITT), OICT, Valencia, Spain |
Status of Current & Future Initiatives / Achievements, Requirements & Opportunities | Eduardo Gabriel Artigas Moreno Chief, Business Relationship Management Section (BRMS), Operations Support Division (OSD), UN Secretariat, OICT, New York, USA |
Q&A / Chat & Live Session / Moderator | Samuel Leal Chief, Technology Development, Design & Planning Section (TDDPS), UN Global Service Center, Valencia, Spain |
Webinar Conclusion / Closing Remarks | Anthony O’Mullane Director Operations Support Division (OSD), UN Secretariat, OICT, New York, USA |
Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping | Partnership Initiatives | 6th International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium