- Secretariat issue paper #1: Mandated Study – Classification of Armored Personnel Carriers based on capability instead of value
- Secretariat issue paper #2: Mandated Study – Equipment Contributing-Countries (ECC) concept
- Secretariat issue paper #3: Mandated Study – Financial assessment on the catering self-sustainment rate and the use of Field Kitchens (proposal to include kitchen trailer as a generic major equipment item)
- Secretariat issue paper #4: Mandated Study – Study on assessment of riot control equipment currently deployed by troop and police contributing countries
- Secretariat issue paper #5: Mandated Study – Study into delays in the deployment of T/PCCs – Timelines Project
- Secretariat issue paper #6: Mandated Study – Review of UN provided accommodation standards
- Secretariat issue paper #7: Mandated Study – Streamline and simplify the process for claims and reimbursement for expended or expired ammunition
- Secretariat issue paper #8: Mandated Study – Study to identify self-sustainment categories that should remain at 100% following cessation of operations
- Secretariat issue paper #9: Mandated Study – Study on technical aspects of services provided under internet access and propose a reimbursement rate
- Secretariat issue paper #10: Mandated Study – Study into recurring costs and utilization of data, voice and/or bandwidth required for communication equipment provided under major equipment for operational purposes
- Secretariat issue paper #11: Mandated Study – Operational Engagement Mission Factors study
- Secretariat issue paper #12: Mandated Study – Data to support self-sustainment rate for Light Mobile Surgical Module
- Secretariat issue paper #13: Mandated Study – Data to support self-sustainment rates for medical modules added to the COE Manual
- Secretariat issue paper #14: Mandated Study – Review of threshold ceiling for loss or damage to equipment
- Secretariat issue paper #15: Mandated Study – Provide data on minor loss and damage (less than 10% GFMV) to COE during transit
- Secretariat issue paper #16: Inclusion of additional storage items for blood and blood products
- Secretariat issue paper #17: Inclusion of 1 x Psychiatrist and/or Psychiatry Nurse in Level 2 Hospitals and above
- Secretariat issue paper #18: Update the language in the Model Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Management
- Secretariat issue paper #19: Inclusion of New Equipment (Ablutions/Portable Toilets) in the COE Manual
- Secretariat issue paper #20: (REVISION 1) Simplifying the reimbursement rates for renewable energy systems
- Secretariat Issue paper #20: (REVISION 2) Simplifying the reimbursement rates for renewable energy systems
- Secretariat issue paper #21: COE Fuel consumption monitoring and T/PCC accountability
- Secretariat issue paper #22: Passive vehicle fleet management devices
- Secretariat issue paper #23: Implementation of recommendations by the Elsie initiative for field missions’ facilities and infrastructure
- Secretariat issue paper #24: Development of standardized rates for ammunition
- Secretariat issue paper #25: Rotation of COE at UN expense – inclusion of Demining Vehicles as Eligible Category
- Secretariat issue paper #26: Introduction of a deadline for submitting claims for reimbursement of ammunition
- Secretariat issue paper #27: Introduction of a deadline for receipt of approval by T/PCC for disposal / destruction of unserviceable ammunition and explosives in the mission area
- Secretariat issue paper #28: Simplifying text on ammunition reimbursement and addition of invoice while presenting a claim for ammunition reimbursement
- Secretariat issue paper #29: Autopsy Module within UN missions
- Secretariat issue paper #30: Implementation of healthcare quality and patient safety standards in healthcare facilities
- Secretariat issue paper #31: Replacement of Communications Equipment
- Secretariat issue paper #32: Proposal to include Riot Control Equipment as Major Equipment for Police Units
- Secretariat issue paper #33: Technical updates to the COE Manual
- Secretariat issue paper #34: Expansion of the Rapid Deployment Level of the Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System
- Secretariat issue paper #35: Phased deployment of T/PCC due to exigencies (at additional transportation cost)
- Secretariat issue paper #36: Clarify the language on Renewable Energy
- Secretariat issue paper #37: Technical edits – Pursuant to prior General Assembly resolutions – Death and Disability
- Secretariat issue paper #38: ATV – Introduction of All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) – Heavy to the COE Manual